venerdì 2 dicembre 2011
Come si crea un profumo
Ora che ci siamo procurati i materiali aromatici di partenza preferiti possiamo procedere. E' meglio , per evitare gli sprechi , diluire le parti dei materiali che ci serviranno per le sperimentazioni con alcool in una soluzione al 10% ( 9 parti di alcool e una parte di aromachemical). Si può diluire in genere dal 10 al 20%, dipende dal prodotto. In caso di odoranti molto forti, come le aldeidi alifatiche, per esempio , la diluizione può variare dall'1 al 3%.
Se vogliamo ,per diluire i materiali , possiamo usare il peso invece che il volume.
In tal caso dobbiamo pesare il materiale ed il solvente, che può essere alcool etilico o glicole dipropilenico o qualsiasi altro prodotto.
Per esempio,se desideriamo fare una diluizione al 3%, prenderemo 3 grammi del materiale più 97 grammi del solvente ( alcool o DPG).
Per fare un profumo complesso di solito servono molti materiali diversi ( da 30 a 100 e anche più), e ci sono tanti metodi per fare un profumo.
Si può iniziare con la composizione delle note di base, continuando con quelle di cuore e finire con quelle di testa.
Si possono anche costruire le note di base , di cuore e di testa separatamente e poi scegliere per ciascuna la percentuale adatta per il profumo finale.
Si può anche iniziare da una particolare nota, che si desidera caratterizzi il profumo , per esempio una nota verde. Si mescoleranno così fra loro separatamente i vari materiali odoranti di profilo olfattivo verde ( per esempio galbanum + foglia di violetta; galbanum + giacinto etc.) e si selezionerà la combinazione preferita per il profumo. Lo stesso si può fare con tutte le altre note: la nota rosa ,la nota muschio , la nota legnosa etc.
Si può anche lavorare con delle basi preparate, che sono già di per sé un profumo , e usarle come punto di partenza per il profumo, aggiungendovi via via altre note.
Se ci piace particolarmente uno specifico materiale , si lavorerà attorno a questo.
Per fare le cose più semplici è meglio partire da un accordo di base di 5-7 materiali , su cui costruire il profumo con l'aggiunta di piccoli quantitativi di altri odoranti, per non sovvertire l'accordo di base.
I profumi moderni spesso vengono elaborati attorno alla cosiddetta" galette" o "torta", cioè un nucleo costituito da quattro ingredienti : hedione , methylionone , Iso E Super e Galaxolide50( o anche habanolide), che può coprire fino all'80% della formula, sul quale vengono inseriti gli altri odoranti che conferiranno il carattere distintivo al profumo.
English version
Now , having acquired our starting aromatics , we can go ahead.
It is better, to avoid waste of materials ,to dilute with alcohol at 10% ( 9 parts alcohol and 1 part of the material) the amounts that we are going to use for our experiments. We can make dilutions at 10% or 20% , depending on the materials.
When we use very strong odorants , such as aliphatic aldehydes , for example , we dilute at 1% or 3%. We can also use the weight instead of the volume to dilute our products. We 'll weight the material and the solvent, which can be alcohol or dipropylene glycol or any other material.
For example, if we wish to make a 3% dilution, we use 3 grams of the aromatic plus 97 grams of the solvent ( ethanol or DPG, etc).
A lot of different materials need to make an elaborate perfume ( from 30 even to 100 and more), and there are many ways to compound a perfume.
We can start to blend beginning with the base notes , continuing with the heart notes and ending with the top notes .
We can also construct the base , heart and top notes separated and then choose a congenial percentage of each to assemble the final perfume.
Another way is to start from a peculiar note , characterizing the scent , for example a green note . To construct this green base we blend separately all green materials ( ie : galbanum + violet leaf; galbanum +hyacinth, etc) and the we choose the preferred combination. The same could be done with any other notes : the rosy notes , the musky notes , the woody notes, etc.
It is also possible to work with prepared bases, which have a complete perfume of their own, and use them as a starting point to buid up the perfume by adding other notes.
If we like particularly a certain material , we can work starting from this.
It is better and easier to start with a base accord of about 5 to 7 aromatics , on which to buid up the fragrance adding small quantities of other products without overpowering the basic accord.
The modern perfumes are often constructed starting from the so-called
" galette" or "cake", a core of four ingredients : hedione , methylionone , Iso E Super and Galaxolide 50( or habanolide), which can cover eventhe 80% of the formulation. To this cake are added the other odorants characterizing the final perfume.
martedì 1 novembre 2011
mercoledì 17 agosto 2011
The " Olfactory Training"
The composition of perfumes is an art, which depends on creativity , intuition , aesthetic sense , but can not leave out the knowledge of raw materials and the experience gained through a methodical and patient " Olfactory Training", in which each odorant material should be dissect in its characteristcs and memorized.
It is very important to acquire a right technique of " smelling" from the onset , because inadequate habits tend to remain.
The workplace , as the great Roudnitska said , should be odourless, in tempered air of natural humidity, and silent. Indeed it is hard smelling in too cold or dry air , or in an airstream and the odours can be perceived distorted.
Moreover , being required a great concentration, solitude and silence are essential , as well as closing eyes during the tests to avoid visual distraction.
Professional perfumers suggest to explore the new odours in the morning when the nose is " fresh", within about two hours , testing about a dozen.
The materials can be tested pure or diluted . However , regardless of preferences , some materials are really very powerful and cauterize the sense of smell, therefore they should be diluted .
The dilution at 10% or 1% , for some iperstrong odorants , avoids the odour fatigue and overload and....the waste of materials.
We should chose a diluent whose smell doesn't affect the material's one. Tipically , in so called alcoholic perfumery , the diluents used are ethyl alcohol or DPG ( Diethylpropylenglicole).
If we are usind ethanol, we have to take care to let it evaporate completely before smelling the blotter , because otherwise it can reduce temporarily the olfaction .
Moreover many perfumers prefer to smell the undiluted raw materials , avoiding overload and fatigue by not dipping the blotters too deeply and restricting the number of inhalations .
One should never smell directly at the bottle , because this too deadens the sense of smell for some time.
Neither one should never sniff directly crystalline substances , primarily because their odour can be distorted by traces of impurities absorbed at the surface , and also because , in the case of finely powdered materials , one can inhale small crystals into the nasal mucosa and compromise it for a long time.
The raw materials , pure of diluted ,are tested on blotters , usually 13 to 15cm long , and 1/2 to 1cm wide. Roudnitska suggests using 1cm wide blotters folded lengthwise to form a kind of grove and also tapered so that it is easier to dip them into small bottle openings, moreover it reduces the amount of material to be examined.
The paper has to be unsized . For the study of materials' odours a thin paper is better , because holding the aromatics less tenaciously , it allows to appreciate better the olfactory evolution; while for the demonstration of a finished perfume it is preferable to use a thicker and more absorbent paper , which holds better the whole composition.However, as the great Carles claims , the blotters are more suitable for the study of the raw materials ,while for the appreciation of the finished perfume's full potential the best measure is space vaporization.
How shall we sniff?
Being in optimal conditions of perception to reach the highest concentration, since we have to get the maximum amount of possible information in a very short time fighting against olfactory habituation, one brings the smelling strip to the nose , avoiding the direct contact , and inspires for 2 or 3 seconds , then exhales through the mouth.
If necessary one can do another inhalation, but only after the cleaning of the nose through hyperventilation , that is inspiring and exhaling deeply for 3 or 4 times.
For each odorant substance we will write down our impressions , the kind of odour ,describing its characteristics, associating it with some memory, image , colour , similitude , to recognize and memorize it.
We can assign to each a level of power, to quantify the intensity of its perception, by a relative scale based on the comparison with another known material.
During the day the materials will be examinated at regular intervals to determine their lasting power and substantivity or tenacity.
The best way to study and to" learn" the aromatics would be grouping them in " olfactory series ", and studying a single series in a section.
Roudnitska , for example , assigns 15 main olfactory series :
to explore and assimilate within 15 days in morning sessions with precise breaks.
Of course , this so rigorous method can be strictly followed only by professional perfumer apprentices , for the amateurs, the week-end perfumers , it must be adjusted , so that one will follow it according to his /her free time.
Bibliographic references:
-Robert R. Calkin , J. Stephan Jellinek
" Perfumery practice and principles".
-René Laruelle
"Initiation à la formulation des parfums".
-P.M. Muller , Dietmar Lamparsky
"Perfumes :art , science and technology".
venerdì 24 giugno 2011
venerdì 27 maggio 2011
- Iso E Super
- Galaxolide
Iso E Super è senz'altro uno dei materiali più importanti e diffusi . E' , infatti , presente in quasi tutti i prodotti profumati odierni , dai profumi ai detergenti e prodotti funzionali per la pulizia.
E' un metil chetone biciclico, brevettato con questo nome da IFF nel 1974 , ma si può trovare in commercio anche con altri nomi.
Ha un odore legnoso , con toni ambrati , gradevole , ma non intenso di primo acchito. Le sue grandi potenzialità si sviluppano pienamente nelle miscele , dove ha un effetto similare a quello già descritto per hedione , con quest'ultima si potenzia ulteriormente apportando luce , trasparenza , coesione e radiosità.
Anche da solo ha un odore interessante, ma non si sviluppa subito , è a livello di pelle , caldo , afrodisiaco.
Galaxolide è un muschio sintetico del gruppo dei policiclici , tipico muschio bianco , dall'odore di pulito, muschioso-floreale-legnoso con nuances dolci e polverose.
Largamente usato ad una concentrazione fino al 40%,soprattutto negli ammorbidenti e detergenti per il bucato, ma anche nei profumi.
Trésor di Lancome , che è caratterizzato da una tipica struttura a torta ,ne contiene circa il 20%.
Two other synthetic materials are essential for their handiness , large range of dosage , inexpensiveness and yield in the compositions and for their structural function as components of the " Pie" :
-Iso E Super
- Galaxolide
Iso E Super is absolutely one of the most important and diffuse material , nowadays it is present in almost all scented products , from fine perfumes to detergens and cleaning functional products.
It is a byciclic methyl ketone, patented with this name by IFF in 1974 , but you can find it on the market under other names.
It has a woody, with amber undertones ,smell , pleasant , but not intense ai first sight.
Its potential is fully developed in the blends , where it has an effect like hedione , with which is synergistic in bringing light , trasparency , cohesion and radiance.
Even by itself it has an interesting odour , but this does not transpire at once , staying warm and aphrodisiac at the level of the skin.
Galaxolide is a synthetic polyciclic musk , a typical white musk , having a clean , musky woody-floral odour with sweet and powdery nuances.
It is widely used in concentrations up to 40% especially in fabric softeners and laundry detergens , but also in fine perfumery.
In Trésor by Lancome , characterized by a typical "Pie" structure , it takes about 20% of the formulation.
It is indispensable.
lunedì 16 maggio 2011
Il più usato è certamente l' alfa -Isomethylionone o Methylionone - Gamma ( CAS : 127-51-5) , che ha l'odore migliore fra i methyliononi , floreale violetta-iris , legnoso-polveroso.
Come hedione , deve il suo successo al fatto di essere molto versatile ed economico.
La maggior parte dei profumi moderni ne contiene in gran quantità perché fa parte della cosiddetta " torta", che è una sorta di struttura di base , costituita in genere da quattro componenti ( Hedione , Methylionone , IsoE Super e Galaxolide ) , che può coprire fino all'80% della formula , su cui vengono inseriti gli altri ingredienti che caratterizzerannno il profumo finale .
Inoltre , collocandosi in base alla volatilità alla testa delle note di base , in molti profumi , agisce come legante fra le note di cuore e quelle di base . Si mescola bene con quasi tutti gli altri materiali.
English Version
Another important synthetic material is methylionone. Actually , commercial methylionones are a mixture of isomers ( alpha , beta and gamma ) thar are named according to their main component.
The most employed is by far alpha -Isomethylionone or MethylIonone -Gamma ( CAS: 127-51-5), having the best odour among the methylionones : floral , violetta-orris like , woody , powdery.
Like hedione , methylionone owes its success to being very versatile and inexpensive . Most modern perfumes contain it in large amounts because it is part of so called " cake", which is a sort of basic structure , generally made up of four ingredients ( Hedione , Methylionone , IsoE Super and Galaxolide ), which gathers up some 80% of the formula. To this structure other materials , characterizing the final scent , will be add.
Moreover , being by volatility near the top of the base notes , in many perfumes , it works as a bridge between these and the middle notes .
It blends well with almost all other materials .
venerdì 15 aprile 2011
mercoledì 16 marzo 2011
Benzoino o.e.
Vaniglia assoluta o tintura
Sandalo o.e.
Cedro o.e.
Patchouli o.e.
Vetiver o.e.
Il benzoino è un balsamo , ottenuto praticando delle incisioni nella corteccia dell'albero Styrax benzoin , e prodotto principalmente nei paesi asiatici come Indonesia , Giava , Laos , Thailandia e Vietnam.
Vi si distinguono due varietà:
- Benzoino del Siam , dallo Styrax tonkinensis ,che ha un odore molto piacevole dolce-balsamico con una nota vanigliata.
-Benzoino di Sumatra , dallo Styrax benzoin , che ha un odore più forte del precedente , per un maggior contenuto di cinnamati e di styrene.
Entrambi vengono largamente impiegati per profumi e aromi.
Il benzoino si mescola bene con elemi , balsamo di Copaiba , rosa , bergamotto e oli citrici , gelsomino , olibanum , mirra , sandalo , cipresso , oli speziati.
Quindi è molto versatile e ottimo per i profumi " orientali".
E il "legno" più pregiato in tutti i sensi è l'olio di Sandalo, ottenuto per distillazione a vapore , ma anche mediante estrazione con anidride carbonica , dal nucleo duro del legno del sandalo bianco , Santalum album , o sandalo indiano.
Si tratta di un albero sempreverde parassita di radice , cioè trae dalle radici di altre specie l'acqua e i nutrienti inorganici , ed è affine al vischio , Viscum album , che invece parassita i rami degli alberi.
La varietà più pregiata è quella proveniente dal Mysore . Per produrre l'olio essenziale la pianta deve raggiungere l'età minima di 30 anni , e la resa è circa del 5%. Questo spiega i suoi costi elevati e la ridotta disponibilità.
Peccato perché il suo odore è divino , legnoso , caldo , morbido , lievemente balsamico con cenni animali. Rende magnificamente in qualsiasi fragranza , ma soprattutto nelle orientali e nelle floreali.
Alternative meno costose sono gli oli essenziali del sandalo rosso e del sandalo australiano. Spesso i preparati più economici sono miscele di oli di varia provenienza. E' molto più ampia invece la scelta degli analoghi di sintesi : Santanol , Javanol , Sanjinol , Sandalore ....per citarne alcuni.
English version
And now a quick glimpse to the basic natural ingredients suggested as initial choice for the perfume's organ, materials very important to fix the perfume.
These are:
Benzoin e.o
Vanilla absolute or tincture
Sandalwood e.o
Cedarwood e.o.
Patchouli e.o
Vetiver e.o
Benzoin is a balm, obtained by making incisions in the bark of the tree Styrax benzoin , and mainly produced in Asiatic countries as Indonesia , Java ; Laos , Thailand and Vietnam.
There are two different varieties :
-Benzoin of Siam from Styrax tonkinensis . It has a very pleasant sweet-balsamic odour with a hint of vanilla.
-Benzoin of Sumatra from Styrax benzoin. It has a more strong odour , owing to its high content of cinnamates and styrene.
They are both widely used in perfumes and flavours.
Benzoin blends well with elemi , Copaiba balm , rose , bergamot and citric oils , jasmine , olibanum , myrrh , sandalwood , cypress , spicy oils .
It is very versatile and excellent for "oriental" perfumes.
Natural vanilla is another milestone in perfumery's art . Its essence is extracted from the fruits , the pods , of an orchid , Vanilla planifolia , native to Mexico.
The most interesting varietes are:
-Bourbon Vanilla , from Réunion , of exceptional quality.
-Tahiti Vanilla , having a warm and delicate aroma , spicy with a plum note , but its production is very limited.
-Tahitensis Vanilla , spicy , warm , with an anise note , produced in Papua New Guinea , that is among the best vanillas in the world.
Natural vanilla exhales a very complex and unique scent , because it is made of multiple components , although the major role is played by the molecule of vanillin , 4-hydroxy-3 methoxybenzaldehyde , an aldehyde , that is also obtained by synthesis . The vanilla seeds contain a variable from 1.5% to 4% percentage.
Essential in the composition of sweet oriental and ambery perfumes , in small amounts it rounds any perfume , but it should not be used to cover scent's structural failures .
Benzoin and vanilla belong to the group of " sweet-balsamic " basic constituens , while sandalwood and cedarwood are "woods" and patchouli and vetiver are " grasses-roots".
Sandalwood is by long the most valuable wood in perfumery. Its essential oil derives by steam distillation , but also by extraction with carbon dioxide , of the hard and dark core of the wood of white sandalwood , Santalum album , or Indian sandalwood.
This is an evergreen tree , a root parasite , tapping the roots of the other species for water and inorganic nutrients , similar to misletoe , Viscum album , that parasites the trees' branches.
The variety cultivated in the region of Mysore ( India) is the most valuable.
The tree must be 30 years old to produce essential oil , and the yield is about 5%.
This explains its high cost and low availability.
Anyway its odour is divine , woody , warm , soft , lightly balsamic with animal hints. It fits well in any fragrance , but especially in the oriental and floral ones.
Cheaper alternatives are the essential oils of red sandalwood and Australian sandalwood . Often less expensive products are blends of oils from different origins. Instead the choice of synthetic analogues is much wider : Santalol , Javanol , Sanjinol , name a few.
Another important wood is cedarwood . The true cedar oil is that derived from three species of trees , belonging to the genus Cedrus:
-Cedrus atlantica , growing in the Atlas Mountains in northern Africa.
-Cedrus libani, growing just in Lebanon .
-Cedrus deodara , typical of the Hymalayan region.
It has a warm , wood , soft fragrance , with slightly urinous hints.
But also other trees are called " cedar" , and three species , tht are actually cypresses , are widely used in perfumery:
-Red Cedar , Juniperus virginiana ( Cupressaceae).
-Texas Cedar ,Juniperus mexicana ( Cupressaceae).
-Chinese Cedar , Chamaecyparis funebris ( Cupressaceae).
Red cedar is very used to make pencils , so it has the typical " pencil wood" smell.
And now something about the unmistakable and unreplaceable patchouli oil , derived from steam distillation or extraction with CO2 of the dried leaves of Pogostemon cablin , a small tropical shrub of the Labiatae family.
It is a reddish-brown viscous oil with a heavy , camphoraceous , rooty-earthy-woody odour . Known since antiquity , it was put between the silk fabrics to protect them from moths , during their transport along Silk Road , but as scent gained high popularity in the 60 's and 70's in the hippie movement.
It is still widely used in perfumery , especially in low concentrations , due to its overwhelming nature . It partecipates to important accords like chypre , fougère and mellis ( I'll talk about them in another post), and exalts the rose .
In higher concentrations lends a connotation " dark , gothic" to the perfume.
And finally , the mythic Vetiver oil , distilled by steam from the roots of the tropical grass Vetiveria zizanoides , robust grass ,as tall as a man with an extensive and intricate root system, native of the Indian subcontinent , but now cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries , also because its roots are effective in preventing landfalls.
Vetiver oil is amber coloured , viscous , very tenacious , it has a characteristic green , earthy , herbaceous and balsamic smell with sweet and smoky nuances and a hint of dark chocolate . Sometimes it is regarded as a green or woody note although it is an earthy root.
It is widely used in perfumes , especially in floral compositions , where its woody characteristics bring out the flowers , in the " chypre" , in the "oriental" ones for its interesting chocolate-balsamic facets , in the " incenses" and in the citric colonies to lend a woody contrast.